OK, OK, I admit it: I sleep around. Usually with animals.
I’m an international housesitter and have been for 8 years straight.

If you’ve ever dreamt of “living like a local” rather than being pegged as a tourist…
Or if you’d like to test what living in a community is like before committing to a permanent move…
Or if you want to save thousands of dollars on accommodations in some of the world’s most glorious hotspots…
Or if you want to visit your grandkids or parents without being underfoot…
Or if you simply like sleeping around…
This eBook is for you! Gleaned from my real-world experiences during eight years of full-time housesitting and pampering dozens of dogs, cats, bunnies and fish for nearly three dozen families, this eBook contains advice and “insider tips” to help you leap into the world of housesitting with confidence and grace.
Whether you want to housesit full-time as a lifestyle, or occasionally during your vacations, this eBook will help you avoid the pitfalls so many new housesitters (and seasoned ones, too) fall into.
√ Get started and land plum housesits in the world’s greatest locations
√ Cash in on a 20% discount code to the world’s largest housesit site – worth $23 US!
√ Join free housesitting sites – the book pays for itself!
√ Links to 50 housesit platforms throughout the world
Wow!! If you’ve ever wondered about housesitting, you need this book!! I loved it.
Kelly answers every question you ever thought of asking……….and dozens you never dreamed were relevant.
I wish I’d had it 30 years ago when I began “nomadding.”
Her insights, suggestions, and behind-the-scenes observations about the housesitting world
(including a list of dozens of sites to search)
will literally open doors all over the world.
— Rita Golden Gelman
Author, Tales of a Female Nomad, Living at Large in the World
Instantly Download eBook!
There may be a way to retire with even less. Former political activist Kelly Hayes-Raitt spends every winter in a huge home overlooking Lake Chapala. During the remaining eight months, she visits other countries. Not all of them are cheap. When she was 47, she began to master the art of fulltime housesitting. Last month, she published a book, How to Become A Housesitter: Inside Tips From the Housesit Diva, which explains how to find fabulous homes – whether you’re looking for a short holiday abroad or seeking a new, fulltime lifestyle.
— Globe and Mail
Finding a great [housesit] isn’t always easy. It can be competitive.
And some of the gigs look better (and cleaner!) online than they look when you arrive.
That’s why I recommend Kelly’s new book, How to Become A Housesitter: Inside Tips From The Housesit Diva.
It offers tips to finding fabulous gigs, whether you’re looking for a short holiday abroad,
or whether you’re seeking a new, full-time lifestyle.
Her thorough guide is also laugh-out-loud funny.
It weaves personal anecdotes with practical explanations of what to be wary of,
how to deal with emergencies, how to get repeat customers and how to deal with home maintenance issues.
Whether you’re trying to lower the cost of travel or slash retirement costs, housesitting might offer a road less traveled.
— Andrew Hallam
Author, The Global Expatriate’s Guide to Investing: From Millionaire Teacher to Millionaire Expat
How to Become a Housesitter is packed with 21 insightful chapters!
√ Checklists for things to consider before taking a sitting assignment
√ 20 INSIDER TIPS to help you succeed in housesitting
√ How to get asked back
√ What to do in an emergency
√ Travel tips
√ Includes 5 humorous stories from my personal housesitting adventures
PLUS a download of Kelly’s comprehensive housesitting agreement!
Kelly has written a lively, upbeat and informative guide to introduce newcomers to the fascinating world of house sitting.
The book is liberally scattered with insider tips, words of wisdom and
amusing anecdotes from Kelly’s own extensive experience.
Discover how to navigate the initial challenges and set yourself up successfully as a
professional housesitter by investing in this invaluable resource!
— Ian Usher & Vanessa Anderson
Publishers, House Sitting Magazine
If you are a homeowner with pets who has felt unable to travel because you refuse to kennel your “fur-kids,” this book shows you how to find the most caring, conscientious housesitters. Two chapters speak directly to homeowners! Personally, I wouldn’t have strangers live in my home unless they’ve read this book.
Kelly has not only offered great tips for anyone who wants to housesit,
she’s captured the spirit of housesitting in her humor and “go-with-the-flow” attitude.
I highly recommend this book!
— Donna Carvell
Founder, HousesittingCafe Facebook group
Who am I? Ten years ago, after a 30-year career as a political activist promoting social and environmental justice, I ran for public office and got my butt kicked. I decided to take a sabbatical from politics, visited the Middle East several times and ended up working with refugees. I’m writing a different book about those experiences.
Chapters from that book are in seven anthologies and have won 19 literary awards. I now write a column for a Los Angeles weekly newspaper that was awarded “second place” by the Southern California Journalists Association in 2016.
To finance my writing, I rent out my own home and live elsewhere by housesitting. Since 2009, I’ve housesat in the U.S., Mexico, the U.K., Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Gibraltar, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Senegal, Malawi and Mozambique. I’ve visited more than 65 countries, including pre- and post-U.S. invasion Iraq and have co-led delegations in Syria and India. So I’m not kidding when I say I’ve slept around…
Housesitting has opened more, ahem, doors for me than I could have ever imagined…and I believe it will for you, too!
My husband and I just completed our first sit, and the practical information Kelly shares in her book was invaluable!
And her personal essays about her experiences are great fun to read.
— Margaret Porter
Daily newspaper publisher (retired)
Instantly Download eBook!
After a year of full-time housesits and travel around the world with my husband, I felt we’d seen and done it all.
Kelly’s book made me realize we still have a lot left to learn.
This is a fun, quick, informative read chock full of great tips for housesitters and travelers with any level of experience.
If we had read this book before we started traveling,
I am sure we would have avoided a few unhappy mistakes and saved ourselves a bundle on travel expenses, too.
— Tracy McDermott
1/2 of the McNomads travel duo
Here’s What You Get
1) Can I Housesit with My Partner, Kids or Pets?
Profiles of Actual Housesitters
2) Is Housesitting Right for Me?
A Quiz: 30 Questions to Ask Yourself
3) Sounds Too Good to be True! What’s the Downside?
“The Bitch & The Chow”
4) To Charge or Not to Charge?
5) OK, I’m Ready! How Do I Start?
25 Considerations…
6) OK, Now I’m REALLY Ready! How (and Where) Do I Build My Profile?
Links to 50 Housesitting Platforms
+ A 20% Discount Bonus to Join the World’s Largest Platform
7) Besides the Platforms, How Else Can I Find Housesits?
11 Creative Ways to Find Housesits – for FREE
8) How Do I Know If a Sit Is Right for ME?
1 Website Offers Practical Travel Info for 230 Countries
“Keeping Abreast of the Language”
9) How Do I Land My First Sit?
8 Tips to a Better Application
10) I’ve Been Short-Listed! Now What?
Checklist for the Skype Interview
11) Agreed, Now What?
12) Seriously? I Got the Sit! Now What?
“Puppy Love”
13) OMG, What Have I Gotten Myself Into?!
8 Tips for Alleviating the Pre-Trip Heebie-Jeebies
14) OK, I’m Here! Now What?
Checklist of 13 Things to Discuss with the Homeowner
15) Living on Top of Other People’s Stuff
14 Tips to Keeping Track of Your Stuff
16) Leaving A Great Impression
7 Things to Consider
17) Getting Asked Back
“Between the Lines”
18) When Things Go Wrong
“Not That Kind of Buzzed!”
19) Shhhh! 3 Secret Tips to Landing Great Housesits
How to Housesitter-Proof Your Home
10 Ways Homeowners Can Welcome Their New Housesitter
22) A Final Note
Stay In Touch!
PLUS a download of Kelly’s comprehensive housesitting agreement!
What Others Are Saying
Although I’ve never housesat, I’ve been intrigued about it. “How to Become a Housesitter” has taught me how to
successfully create a profile, land a sit and avoid pitfalls!
This book is filled with specific information and tips gleaned from the author’s years of personal experience.
And, unlike other “how to” books, this one is fun to read.
— Ken Bridges
Traveler and Future Housesitter
I’ve been following Kelly’s housesitting adventures for years and had no idea
how much planning and professionalism she applies to her housesitting.
Now I can feel comfortable in knowing how to do it when I decide to.
I also know I will be able to trust any housesitter who has read this detailed book
— what to look out for, and how to make it a good experience for us both!
— Pauline Field
Author, Feisty & Fearless: Nice Girls CAN Be Leaders
Just finished your book….”Wow” as in “bow-wow” (more information & tips than I thought I needed to know!)
Perrrr….fect (enjoyed reading about your adventures & your house sits).
— Aileen Landau
Budget Travel Guru
This is the book that I wish I’d had a few years ago when I first began my global housesitting adventures!
If you are new to the housesitting world, this fabulous book is packed full of useful hints and tips
that will help smooth your way to becoming a successful housesitter,
in demand by homeowners across the world.
Seasoned housesitters and homeowners are also sure to
gain many insights from these housesitting secrets.
Infused with her vivacious personality, Kelly shares some of her
intimate personal experiences making this book a fun, informative and very enjoyable read.
— Julie Bryant
Founder and Creative Director, Naked Dragon Inspirational Events
My husband and I are full-time digital nomads and have been housesitting since 2009.
The advice and tips Kelly generously offers in her book are spot on!
Great opportunity for newcomers to test out housesitting.
— Diane White Daniel