…To a book club, radio show, or convention near you! I’d love to join you.
Need a speaker for your next conference?
Have a tip you’d like to suggest for the next book’s revision?
Like to schedule a media interview?
Like to schedule me to speak with your book group (about travel, pet care, writing this book)?
Want to talk with me about caring for your pets?
Like to submit a guest blog (about housesitting adventures, traveling, pet care/ownership)?
Interested in becoming a HouseSitDiva affiliate?
Kelly Hayes-Raitt
Kelly (at) LivingLargeInLimbo (dot) com
+1 (310) 228-7835
(…but email first, you never know what time zone I’m in!)
Next up: How to Find the Right Housesitter, a book for homeowners searching for the right housesitter. Stalk for updates.
In the works: Living Large In Limbo: How I Found Myself Among the World’s Forgotten, my book of journalistic essays about my experiences in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon working with refugees. Check out for details, as well as for a download of me reading the book’s award-winning first chapter about my encounter with an Iraqi beggar girl.